
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


So we are officially being sent into the Jungle in Coasta Rica tomorrow, so don’t be surprised if my name is Jane by the end of our two months there. We will be in a town call Los Chiles close to Nicaragua. We will be working with teens, kids, doing crafts, and manual labor. But if there is anything that I have learned about the world race is to not hold tightly to details, so who knows what God has in store for us. Below is some pictures of our most recent kids ministry in Guatemala which leads me to the story I want to share with ya’ll. 

This is Oscar. Oscar is literally the primary example of the heart of Guatemala people. Oscar grew up in a community that had a lot of gang activity. Through a follower of Christ he came to YWAM where he did discipleship school and now is a full-time staff at YWAM (Youth With a Mission). I won’t share his testimony because I wouldn’t be able to do it justice, but I can share with you what I witnessed. Oscar was a reminder of Jesus, wherever he went people knew him. He has the privilege to roam freely wherever he wanted in the different zones, without fear. God has given him the ability to cross gang boundaries that no one else is able to cross. And where ever he is going he truly sees the people he is with. He doesn’t see them as gang member or drug dealer, he sees their heart. It’s like how Jesus didn’t care if they were Samaritan, Jew, man or women. He only cares about their heart. While traveling with him on every street we walked Oscar knew someone and he would stop, give them a hug, a chócala (high five) , a fist pump. He would ask how they are doing and not just expect the classic automatic fine or good response. He wanted to know how he could help, how he could sympatize, how he could pray for them, and he just wanted to hear about their life because he genienuiely cared. And he isn’t ashamed of his community he is proud of it. He shared his love for them with us. He took us to his community where we got to act out skits, sing songs with dance moves (I got to help create;)) color and play soccer. Oscar took the neighborhood which appeared to the problem and made it the feature. Instead of never going back to his neighborhood he sees it as an opportunity for a perfect ministry opportunity God has called him to. A perfect place to draw with kids, a perfect place to play soccer, a perfect place to love people. He isn’t trying to change the way they live but rather meet them where they are at and see the beauty in their heart. It reminds me of a podcast I listened to where a man struggled with his backyard being swampy and he hired four different companies to install a septic system and they all failed. And then someone came in and prayed and asked God what to. God told him to use the water instead of try to get rid of it. They turned the water into a stream flowing through a lushes flourishing garden. They made what seemed to be the problem the solution. The disappointment was actually the feature, it just needed a little nourishment. Are there features in your life that you aren’t recognizing?

5 responses to “What are the features in your life?”

  1. Great God given opportunities for you to come for you! It’s been a few years since we met on the trip in Eastern Ky w the group from Leesburg but what a blessing to stay in touch. Thanks for sharing your blessings and your travels. Praying you have a good week!

  2. So, wonderful niece o’ mine, your time in Guatemala has come to an end and you are in Costa Rica now! Time flies when you’re having fun, right? Your GGGA (God-Guided Great Adventure) continues and I am thoroughly enjoying getting to follow along here! Your story about Oscar is very inspirational, so thanks for choosing to share it. He sounds like an amazing person and I’m sure your friendship with him will impact you the rest of your life! This reminds me how much I want to be more Christ-like. That is my personal goal! Cannot wait to hear about your upcoming adventures in the jungle. I like the idea of having the new nickname, Jungle Jane, available for future use. (; (That’s a wink!) Prayers for you & your team’s continued missionary work! Sending love & HUGE HUGS!!!

    P.S. I always really like the photos you share. Especially like the one of you & others kicking the ball around with little ones!

  3. It’s so good to hear the details of your mission experience in Guatemala, Ellie. Even the reminder of the message in the podcast you shared, is so good to reflect on; “They made what seemed to be the problem the solution.” I just love that. You mentioned it to me before, but it’s really sinking in now, especially after applying it to Oscar’s ministry.
    He is truly a remarkable man of God. I’m so grateful for the impact he had on two of the teams on our squad, and the opportunity you all had to work with him.
    You, as well, are an example of Christ’s love to so many. I love watching your journey and the smiles of those you encourage along the way.

  4. Wow! Can’t even think how rewarding your mission must be, so proud to know you and getting your up dates. Pray for you everyday and hope your stay safe, do know that you have a big protector. This mission is really blessed! Hugs, Marlene

  5. Hey Liz, it’s great to see you living free during this time and sharing Jesus with the world. I enjoyed reading your blog a couple days ago! It was refreshing to be able to live through some of your experiences. This virtual worker felt much better because of your blog. Only good things are on the horizon for you. May Jesus keep you safe and secure.
