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I am going to tell you all the things I’m doing in Guatemala because I am sure that’s what the world wants to hear, but I’m going to tell you something I’m learning first.

Even if you do nothing else the rest of your life you are still good enough. Has anyone ever told you that? And if they have, did you truly believe it? I know when I heard that for the first time back in November I began crying. Why? Because I knew I had spent my whole life defining myself by what I do, not by who I am in Christ. I was constantly worried and troubled about many things. How do I earn favor in this person’s eyes? How do I appear successful? How do I contribute to this conversation or this task? Each question adding to the weight on my shoulders. Receiving the truth that I am not defined by what I do, lifted the weight off of my shoulders because for the first time I was more concerned with existing in the present rather than thinking about the next task I could accomplish. I could finally rest in the fact that I am a daughter of God and he will do it all for me if I only let him.


Well I thought I learned this lesson, but come Guatelmala I quickly forgot. Why? Because familiar chains are more comfortable then new freedom. I was one of the first to get up to do the dishes. I quickly stepped in and offered others help with their task when I was finished with mine. I easily related to Martha in the bible. A hospital host, which is ironic because I was put on the hospitality team. I would clean the rooms, wash the windows, cook in the kitchen, and help maintenance garden, paint, and sand when I was finished with my Job. I appeared to have a servant heart and I was doing good things, but I quickly fell into the religious trap. I was so concerned with doing things for him that I neglected to hear from him and remember what he has done for us. I was missing the whole point of our time there. All the things I was doing was great and helpful, but it’s not about the physIcal completion of tasks. It’s about the heart behind it; he relationships that flourish from it; the community conversations that speak life. I was working so fast I was passing time, but not making memories. I was forgetting who I am in Christ, Mary. It’s my middle name for crying out loud. Mary chose the good part (Luke 10:42) she had discovered the one thing needed, worship and devotion of ones heart and full attention to Christ. And It took my team getting pulled into the stillness of Quarantine for me to realize it.
Don’t stress everyone is currently in an air bnb and healthy! 🙂

So yes I’m excited to get back to YWAM but as Mary. And don’t get me wrong I’m still going to work, but in a restful mindset that savors the moment and watch what God is doing. I’m excited to sit in community at the dinner table and sing while we do dishes. I’m eager to paint with Hermes and listen to how God has used Covid to redeem his debt and turn hopelessness to hopefulness. I’m hunger to learn their language and culture while I cook in the kitchen with Sara. I’m looking forward to laughing with Christian as we wash cars and he tells me the love story of how he met his wife. I think I am even starting to miss washing my clothes for an hour in a cement block and hanging my ragged undies out for everyone to see. Why? Cause that’s just part of the experience and God shines down on me the whole time. I can’t say that I’ve missed sleeping under a moldy ceiling yet, but hey a few days left who knows what I’ll miss by then.


 (We can see Pacaya, Santiago, Fuego, and Acatenago from top of the parking garage. We even got to see lava shooting out of Santiago at night!!) 

What has time looked like in tweet quarantine and YWAM?  Lots of playing basketball and meeting new friends. I asked God what he wanted me to do and he said pray and play. I was like perfect cause that’s my favorite thing to do. Life if ministry and ministry is life right?

Luke 10
2 Corinthians 10:12 Comparison is the killer of joy
12 extraordinary women by John MacArthur

8 responses to “Quarantined as Martha came out as Mary”

  1. Hey Liz I was so touched by your blog. Yes sometimes we can get so caught up in In ministry things, we tend to neglect our relationship with Him. Coming back to the hear of worship????

    Keep it up Girl. God is going to do something amazing in your life! A paradigm shift is at the arousing??????

  2. I was so glad to see your Blog, I think I seen one before but lost it. I am so impressed in what your doing and all these young ladies that I see. I feel like you are doing so much and that is wonderful. I told your Dad I would pray for you daily, for your work, your safety and what you are doing to help. I loved this article. May God bless you Elizabeth Ryker and keep you safe.

  3. Thank you so much for the prayers and following along with the journey. Your support means so much! God bless you as well!!

  4. I love what you had to share Liz! As I was reading this, I was thinking “wow that sounds a lot like me!”, which isn’t a surprise since we share a lot of the same traits. It was great to be able to reflect on my own life as I read about yours. Thank you for that. I will work on being more present in the moment this week. Love and miss you so much!

  5. Yesssss!! That’s what it is all about!! So proud of you!!! Keep going after INTIMACY!!

  6. Wow! So proud to know you, it sounds like you have grown so much. Learn from all your blogs how far you have come. Stay strong and keep up the good work. Virtual hugs. Marlene