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I wanted to go on this hike called Arenales waterfall, but I didn’t know where I was going and I was scared I was going to get us lost in a foreign country while trying to speak a foreign language. I was scared because I didn’t know the end result. But during debrief God gave me some revelations about end results. And here is what he said to me.

Why do you keep asking for the end result when you don’t want a dead end? I’m trying to bring you to endless possibilities. With me there are no ends. The end was when my son died on the cross. We started the race at the finish line Ellie and now all there is to do is walk in the fullness of life. So I’m only going to give you a little at a time so I can keep leading you to more choices and more opportunities. Resulting in freedom and continuous opening of doors.
So don’t ask me for the end result because that is not what you want, so that is not what I’m going to give you. I’m going to give you what you want and more. Trust me and fully submerge in me, and joy and bliss will be the end result.

So curiosity and trust in him pushed me to pursue the adventure. And luckily my friend Steph trusted me enough to go with.

With some waiting but with ease we successful navigated public transportation and got dropped off at the trailhead sign. Which fun fact true name of the hike is Salto de Ángel. Jump of an angel! And then by the blessing of God all along the trail were actual signs or nature signs ( big orange leaves were all along the trail which was the same color as the wooden signs). “We didn’t always see the signs, but we went from one sign to the next in an anticipation of the next sign trusting and knowing that it will be there”. – Steph When we couldn’t see the leaves or signs we could hear the rushing water. Which is another testament to God’s faith. When you can’t see him you can hear him and when you can’t hear him you can see him. Towards the end we hit a point where there was no more signs. We tried to go up and get a better view, or see a direct path but there were none. We just had to fully submerge in the river and walk up the river bed trusting that he would lead us. Along the way there was a smaller waterfall that I just wanted to call good enough, but Steph pushed me further knowing God had something better.

Baby waterfall 
And let me tell you the waterfall truly was a jump of an Angel rushing with energy. Taller and bigger than I could have expected. We got to swim in the bottom and fully submerge in his goodness. And even better he celebrated with us by lightening and thundering. It was a party!


9 responses to “Jump of an Angel”

  1. That’s amazing Elizabeth! How cool that you listen to God and trust him in your uncertainty. In doing so, he provided a wonderful gift for his child!! God is so good and he loves to sprinkle us with his blessings!!!

  2. Thanks for following along and the encouragement! Love that idea of sprinkling his blessing on us!

  3. Oh, my stars, Izzie! There are some occasions when I wish I was you and this would definitely be one of those times! What a blessed adventure for God! You inspire me to live a life of faith over fear. I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH! Aunt Shari

  4. Ohh you too are a blessing! I love that you both got to encourage each other along the journey. little by little God is always leading if we slow down to look and listen then after giving you your heart desires God adds a ta-da with lightening and thunder!! What a spectacular GOD!!:) love your story and your lessons!!

  5. So happy God blessed me with your daughter. Thanks for following along and supporting me by supporting her and being such a big influence in her life.

  6. What a great adventure, Ellie & Steph! Somehow I missed this blog when you first posted it.
    I love how you both hear the Lord’s voice so well. I’m really proud of the great encouragers you are.

  7. Wow! You are so amazing, so happy you are following the Holy Spirit. Keep it up!!! Marlene